Sunday 3 August 2014

Oh Dear, I Like Metal, Now I Worship Satan

I think the title of this post explains a lot. Just before I begin, NO, I do not worship Satan. Worshiping Satan would effectively be buckling under and admitting that there is a supernatural force that influences our universe, and I don't like being wrong. I'm an atheist.

Their shared features include symbolic association with or admiration for Satan, who Satanists see as a liberating figure. It was estimated that there were 50,000 Satanists in 1990. There may be as many as one hundred thousand Satanists in the world.

This definition has quickly been revamped to;

People who like heavy music.

These things are very different. Now I found a series of articles explaining that metalheads are ALL effectively Satan worshipers.

"Well, only very few people worship Satan openly and consciously.  A great number of people worship Satan indirectly without them knowing it. There are lots of musicians and bands out there whose songs directly or indirectly hail Satan and by participating in the singing of such songs you will be worshiping Satan, yet being completely unaware. I did a search on metal bands and to my utmost surprise I found out that most, if not all, of the metal bands represent Satan and Satanism (the worship of Satan)."

Taken from a completely troll-free Christian article. This was someone's serious belief.
The examples of 'Satanic bands' use in this article were bands such as Slayer, and Black Sabbath. However, people even think the WAY less heavy bands are still Satan worshiping.

"Known for their uncanny choice of tight-fitted clothing and mop-shag hair stylings, the band Asking Alexandria has attracted many fans who are addicted to the occult.  Journey to the food court of your local mall and you will see countless herds of unruly teenagers walking around hand in hand, boys in tighter jeans than a Vegas showgirl, eye-makeup and blood-red lipstick smeared over the necks of one another — no matter the gender — as they commonly engage in neck-lusting sessions of blood and sniffed drugs between the tables at Chic-Filet and Johnny Rockets.

These kids are the same volatile group that are addicted to JKR Rowling’s bloodbath series, Twilight.  And by no coincidence, when you hear the music produced by this band you can tell it is of Satan and celebrates vampire worship and LSD-ridden blood orgies."

If you haven't noticed, my current band obsession is Asking Alexandria. It was Bring Me The Horizon about a week and a half ago.

"In the following song, A Moment of Sincerity, you can hear a human’s voice go from normal to possessed. Is this Satan whispering secret commands to his followers, the fans of this band?"

Also on Asking Alexandria- Asking Alexandria from the Final Episode era. Asking Alexandria, when they were still a really shitty scene band.

Come one people. I like a heavy bassline, I'm not part of the occult.

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